PNS - Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
Pain Care, LLC
Interventional Spine & Pain Management located in Stockbridge, Newnan, Johns Creek, Griffin, Fayetteville, & Lawrenceville, GA
Stimwave’s StimQ Peripheral Nerve Stimulator System (PNS) utilizes the same technology as the
Freedom SCS System. A neurostimulator with electrodes and a receiver to utilize wireless RF power is
placed near a peripheral nerve in your body, below the head, to treat your chronic pain. Fitting through a
needle sized incision allows for placement with minimally invasive surgery, typically as an outpatient
Before the device is implanted permanently, there is typically a trial period to determine if the therapy is
effective for your chronic pain. PNS is covered by most insurance plans. Consult with your doctor to learn
more about Stimwave StimQ PNS.
What we offer